Mags is back!

A few weeks ago, The Weekly Opine (TWO) bumped into Mags at a suburban sports bar patio. It was an interesting conversation.

MAGS: Who is playing?

TWO: Red Sox-Yankees.

MAGS: It says Sunday Night Baseball.

TWO: Yep.

MAGS: But today is Saturday.

TWO: ESPN is showing select games from prior years since there is no baseball right now. This game was played on a Sunday night in 2012.

MAGS: Wow, Yankee Stadium is packed with fans! I guess Cuomo came to his senses and ended the no large crowds, stay-at-home order.

TWO: There was no stay-at-home in 2012. Unless you couldn’t get a ticket to the game.

MAGS: Is that Derek Jeter? Didn’t he retire a couple a years ago? He must be 50 years old. He still looks good in them pinstripes.

TWO: Yes, that’s Jeter in 2012. This is a replay from 2012.

MAGS: Well, the picture on that TV ain’t so hot. I just bought a new TV. Don’t tell anyone but it was made in China. Great picture.

TWO: Don’t you only buy made in America?

MAGS: I did until the tariffs. Trump said buy Chinese ‘cause that way Kim Jong On pays the difference.

TWO: Kim Jong Un? He is not Chinese.

MAGS: Yea. The TV was marked up from $999 to $1,299 because of the tariffs. And that guy On Kim he’s payin’ for it.

TWO: Paying for what? Didn’t you already pay $1,299 for the TV?

MAGS: Hell yes I did because Jong On is makin’ up the $300 difference.

TWO: Really. When is Kim sending you a $300 check?

MAGS: I dunno, whenever Trump tells him to send it, he’ll send it.

TWO: You mean like when Trump said stop testing missiles and Kim kept right on firing them?

MAGS: Smart ass.

TWO: Aren’t you supposed to be on vacation?

MAGS: Postponed it. Still haven’t received my fat $1,200 stimulus check.

TWO: Good luck…

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Douglas Freeland