Consistency and clarity of messaging will win for Democrats. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

Winning messaging

Democrats are often accused (rightfully so, by other Democrats, Republicans and independents) of trying to communicate too many messages. Or Dems are criticized (again, rightfully) for drifting off-message.

After careful consideration, I’ve come up with the four messages Dems should unwaveringly stick with from now until the 2024 election.

·        Voting rights

o   Without which all other rights become much harder to achieve.

o   Demonstrate to voters that this unalienable right is at risk.


·        Abortion rights

o   There are GOP women and independent women who will vote Democrat, regardless of what their conscience says about abortion, based solely on not allowing crusty old White men to control their bodies.


·        Gun regulation

o   Polling shows most Americans want strict gun laws that keep us safer.

o   Show the hypocrisy of GOP claiming to be “pro-life” while refusing to save lives with sensible gun laws.


·        Rich folks will be forced to play fair.

o   One way to engender bonding among sane, low-income rural GOP voters and sane, low-income urban Dem voters is to prove that the key detriment causing both groups’ struggle to survive are rich Republicans (not poor people of other races).

o   Prove that rich GOPers continue to exploit low-income people when it comes to wages, taxes paid, healthcare access, cost of housing, etc. Attract some blue-collar GOP voters to vote Democrat.

Winning messaging is not that difficult. What can be difficult is not to be distracted from your winning messaging. If a particular topic does not fit within your winning messaging, then do not talk about it. Ignore it until after the 2024 election.

As far as an overarching theme (or tagline if you will), I’m leaning towards something like, “Better to be ‘woke’ than asleep.” In other words, Dems need to stake out enlightened territory, in alignment with what the majority of Americans believe is right, compared with GOPers operating behind-the-times like old-fashioned relics, as they attempt to destroy America.

If Dems adhere to this messaging structure, the process of ridding America of fools like milquetoast House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and dopey Majorie Taylor Greene – a.k.a. MTGQ+ the racist QAnon queen – will be successful.

Why no focus on Trump? He should be out of the picture long before 2024 Election Day.


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Douglas Freeland