Thinking clearly, displaying a kinder heart and standing up for good will reap benefits. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
You ain’t nobody until you help somebody
So said the late, great Indiana Hoosier, Bobby “Slick” Leonard. For those unfamiliar with Leonard, he was the star player of Indiana University’s 1953 national championship basketball team. He went on to save the Indiana Pacers ABA basketball franchise, coaching the team to multiple championships.
Following his coaching career Leonard became a memorable announcer as an analyst on Pacers broadcasts. Slick Leonard was to Pacers fans what Harry Caray was to Cubs fans (Leonard did not carry “baggage” like that of Caray). A born and bred lifelong Hoosier, “Slick” Leonard was a good man.
Which brings us to this week’s opine.
A brain, a heart, some courage
In the spirit of Slick Leonard, I am offering thanks for all the good bestowed upon me the past year. And I am offering help to wayward souls stuck in the morass of Trump-ism. People mired in the quicksand of MAGA-ism. Common folk peering over the edge of fascism. Fools ready to accept authoritarianism (do you really want The Big Government mapping out your life for you? I thought that’s what GOPers railed against all these years.)
Taking a lead from one of my all-time favorite movies, “The Wizard of Oz,” today I dole out “gifts” to timid Republicans and confused MAGAs, in the form of advice. It’s time you begin sensibly using your brain, discover your heart, and demonstrate courage. Yes, I want to help all the used-to-be-normal but now goofball loonies still subscribing to disproven conspiracy rubbish put out by losers like Alex Jones.
You have a brain, use it
There is zero evidence your boy Trump was cheated out of the 2020 presidential election. The facts, supported by myriad investigations, monthslong under-oath testimony and nonpartisan analysis have been proven beyond any doubt, reasonable or otherwise. Joe Biden’s win over Trump in the 2020 presidential election was a near landslide victory. The election was fair and square.
Regarding MAGAs crying foul, there is nothing “there” there. Even a man MAGAs used to worship, former-Attorney General Bill Barr, says the election was not fraught with fraud. According to Trump’s own Justice Department the 2020 election was a clean election (as was the recent midterm).
So, get over it and move on with your lives MAGA people. And learn to think for yourself, rather than letting jerks like Elon Musk and Kanye West do your thinking.
The heartbeat of the political party known as Republican is getting faint. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Have a heart
Claiming to be a Christian (talking to you Mike Pence) and behaving like a real Christian are entirely different things. Invoking Jesus Christ and God, when it is convenient, then abusing your fellow men, women and children with warped, out-of-touch policies demonstrates you do not understand anything about being a Christian. Lining up behind corrupt criminals (e.g., Trump) pulls back the curtain on what you really are, i.e., humbug, fake Christians.
The only conclusion to draw is you are greedy, crazy and/or racist if you are still drooling prostrate before Trump, and organizations such as the NRA. Stop orchestrating and celebrating the suffering of your fellow human beings. Start acting like the Christian you purport to be.
Better yet just become a decent, law-abiding, Constitution-respecting person again (presuming you once were).
Show some courage
In other words, do your job. If you are in politics, you swore an oath to protect the Constitution and the citizens of this country. If you are a citizen, don’t pretend to be patriotic by singing the anthem at sporting events and pledging allegiance to the flag at local board meetings when you also applaud the violent, deadly January 6 coup attempt.
It really should not require courage but just basic understanding of your role as a citizen living in America. Politicians and patriotic citizens have a responsibility to recognize the real enemies to our way of life (MAGA fanatics like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jim Jordan) and rid our political landscape of them.
However, if being called courageous helps you muster the nerve to stand up against Trump and white supremacist MAGAs, then I’ll say it. Any “normal” Republican who stands up against MAGA fanaticism is courageous. Now go ahead!
See ya next year!
The Weekly Opine will be on holiday vacation the next two weeks, returning Thursday, January 5. Have a fun and safe holiday and Happy New Year!
© 2022 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine. All rights reserved.