The exit door hallway may soon be filled with Republicans who regret becoming MAGAs. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
GOPers in disarray
Now that the much-anticipated red wave turned out to be a meandering stream, some MAGAs, a.k.a. formerly thoughtful Republicans, are searching for the exit door. For example, Dilbert cartoon creator Scott Adams, a longtime unashamed MAGA, now disavows Trump. What was it that pushed Adams away from Trump’s magnetic pull? Apparently, Trump’s racist comments directed toward Virginia Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin did the trick.
Adams is one of many used-to-be-sane GOPers who bought into Trump’s unsavory behavior hook, line, and sinker. Now, sensing their man is damaged goods, they turn away but only after Trump’s racist, sarcasm claimed Gov. Youngkin’s name sounds Chinese. Which begs the question, why are some MAGAs backing off now?
Since 2015, Trump has provided a steady diet of justification, for anyone with a functioning moral compass, to abandon the MAGA ship. (Honestly, GOPers with intact intellectual capacity never would have joined the MAGA K-K-Klan in the first place.)
As a refresher, Trump called Mexicans rapists (considering more than 20 women have accused Trump of sexual assault, this falls into the category of it takes one to know one – which is not to say I think Mexicans are rapists).
Trump mocked a disabled New York Times reporter. He disrespected American war hero John McCain. He bragged – captured on video – that he gets away with sexually assaulting women. Trump offered support for White supremacist, antisemitic thugs, who murdered a peaceful counter-protestor, saying the hoodlums are “very fine people.” I could go on, but you get the picture.
But now, after Trump-endorsed, Big Lie-touting candidates took a shellacking last Tuesday, many Republicans and Fox Lies show hosts are saying it is time to move on from Trump. This is a clear calculation based on performing poorly (losing) rather than rediscovery of anyone’s ethics.
On the horizon are days of reckoning for Trump, MAGAs and what’s left of moderate Republicans.
As more MAGAs go to prison for their role participating in Trump’s attack on democracy, others will hopefully crawl under the rock from whence they came. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Silent night
Election day violence and discord, predicted by Trump and conservative and liberal news media, didn’t materialize. Why? Probably because Trump’s base of lunatics is keenly aware that January 6 insurrectionists are being charged with felonies, convicted and sent to prison.
Hardcore MAGAs also now recognize that Trump, who often boasted he would pardon them and pay their legal bills, has done not one thing to help those who suffer the consequences of following his orders to violently overthrow the U.S. government.
What’s also interesting is poll vigilantes, most notably visible in Arizona, wouldn’t dare show up in an urban neighborhood because they are cowards. In Arizona, they dressed in camouflage and hid behind masks (I bet they never wore masks to protect themselves from coronavirus). And they carried guns, attempting to intimidate voters.
Obviously, these goofy Arizonian’s attempt to scare off voters failed. Trump’s darling gubernatorial candidate, Kari Lake, lost her bid to bring MAGA lunacy to the Arizona governor’s mansion.
As it stands nationally, Democrats still control the Senate – an amazing accomplishment in a midterm with the presence of a mostly unpopular Democrat president. Sure, Republicans reclaimed the House but by a razor-thin margin. To all but blindly loyal Republican bootlickers – such as slobbering Lindsey “Chapstick” Graham – Trump is an off-the-charts pariah capable of destroying their party.
Considering voter turnout trends lower during midterm elections compared with general elections, and considering there are more registered Democrats in this country than registered Republicans, right now I predict a blowout victory for Dems in 2024. If they are strategically smart, Democrats should retain the presidency and the Senate and retake the House.
If we learned one thing from the midterms it’s that most Americans do not identify with weirdos such as Jim “Covered Up For A Sexual Predator" Jordan, Marjorie “WAAY Over Her Head” Taylor Greene and Matt “Parties With Teen Jailbait” Gaetz. This was proven in Pennsylvania where voters rejected Trump pal and oddball, Dr. Oz.
If Republicans line up behind treasonous Trump or sinister Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, it almost guarantees 2024 will be devastating for the GOP. Rumors that House Republicans considered installing Trump as House Speaker were mindlessly foolish, as inevitable chaos would exacerbate a blue tsunami in 2024.
On the other hand, Republicans might come to their senses and throw in with an intelligent, competent moderate such as outgoing Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (who I would strongly consider voting for). I highly recommend you check out Baker recently being interviewed by CNN’s Jake Tapper.
Charlie Baker is the real deal and would give Republicans a chance to resuscitate their sullied party.
Attorney General Merrick Garland and the January 6 Committee should look in a mirror and ask themselves if they are truly doing their job. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Has anybody here…
Seen the January 6 Committee? Can you tell me where they’ve gone? The committee started with a bang, but now wastes time instead of lowering the boom, in the form of a criminal referral to the Department of Justice re: Trump.
The committee shied away from delivering a subpoena to former VP Mike Pence. Now the committee allows Trump to wiggle out of testifying. Plus, they extended his deadline to turn over documents. Sheesh!
Has anybody here… seen Attorney General Merrick Garland? Can you tell me where he’s gone? His nickname should be “The Reluctant One,” because he dithers and hesitates, seemingly afraid of Trump (a Special Counsel is not the answer). By now Trump should’ve been indicted, but Garland is wasting time and will probably allow Trump unwarranted leeway because of his (laughable) presidential candidate announcement.
Has anybody here… seen the media’s bullshit detector? Why are they helping rehabilitate Mike Pence? CNN hosting a town hall with Pence was preposterous. Pence, who is not man enough to testify before the January 6 Committee, now says Trump “endangered me and my family.” This proves exactly how weak the fake Christian, former vice president is, compared to, say, Shaye Moss and Cassidy Hutchinson, who bravely testified.
Yet, there CNN was helping Mike Pence, a man who has not helped America, as a true patriot would have, by testifying about what happened on January 6.
Now that the midterm election is over, it’s time for Merrick Garland and the January 6 Committee to model Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis. Get busy and finish the job of holding Trump criminally accountable.
Hopefully, I’m wrong but DOJ and the January 6 Committee are at risk of allowing the clock to run out, considering Republicans will control the House - and much of the narrative - come January.
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