America is doomed if dirty old GOP bastards regain control of our government. (Photos credit WBUR; AP News; NBC News)
Trump speaks his truth
Trump, the pathological, can’t-help-himself instinctive liar, finally let us in on his truth. Trump’s comment recently that Jewish people in America need to “get their act together” and appreciate Israel “before it is too late” is nothing less than a veiled threat against Jewish Americans.
Not since Adolf Hitler’s heyday, in 1930s Germany, has such a prominent, albeit dummkopf, politician resorted to clarion calls with camouflaged threats (that may eventually become overt threats) against Jews. Think about that for a second. Already a proven criminal, the thug ex-president of the United States is insinuating threats against Jewish Americans.
By now, everyone knows how influential Trump is over his mob of violent haters, as evidenced by the January 6 insurrection. Only a moron doesn’t understand that, at Trump’s direction, militant Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and other unhappy-with-their-lives losers violently desecrated the U.S. Capitol in a murderous rampage while Trump watched in glee.
It stands to reason that Trump can also whip his basement-dwelling, conspiracy theory-believing white supremacists (“Jews will not replace us”) into a January 6-style frenzy targeting Jewish Americans. It doesn’t help that leading GOP politicians and conservative entertainers refuse to employ their sizeable platforms to reject Trump’s dangerous, fascist rhetoric. Instead, time after time, Mitch McConnell and his Republican kin cower like the wussies they’ve proven to be.
Silence is tantamount to cooperation and Republicans are silent about Trump’s antisemitism while they beg for high-profile seats on his bandwagon of fascism. Trump’s and Republican’s truth is the GOP is comfortable riling up their MAGA freaks against Jewish Americans.
Boy blunder
A few weeks ago, Trumpler’s Number One Minstrel, Kanye West, popped off. (I know, you thought the punk who frequently shows up behind Trump at rallies, frantically waving a Blacks for Trump sign, is Trump’s main minstrel.) Abusing his Twitter privilege, Kanye West tweeted he was “going Death Con 3 on Jewish people.” Well, now.
The truth is, Kanye West seems mentally ill, a troubled soul who has not arrived at the most fundamental stage in life. Kanye West is not an adult but is still a boy. Not in the racist-defined sense that many Southern Whites ascribed to Black men during the Jim Crow era. (To be clear, I’m not naïve enough to believe use of the term “boy” directed at Black men no longer exists. It does and it exists well beyond the Deep South.)
Kanye West is a boy in the true sense. He is not a man. West’s mind is that of a child whose mental development stagnated. He is a boy living in a 45-year-old man’s body. A prime example is Kanye’s bullying of Pete Davidson when Davidson dated West’s ex-wife. Kanye harassing Davidson was the stuff of grade school playgrounds. The kind of thing an immature child does. Because Kanye is a boy.
Kanye West is a confused boy, changing his name to Yeezy and now Ye. Next time he should change his name to the more accurate Uncle Tom. (Photo credit Billboard)
The absurd thing is seeing so many middle-aged (and older) White conservatives enamored with Kanye West. They cozy up to West only because Trump likes Kanye West and Fox Lies favors Kanye West. These MAGAs think Kanye is cool. These people, prior to Trump taking control of their supposed intelligent minds, probably would have sooner called Kanye West the N-word as agree with anything he has to say.
Now, in full “bro” embrace, MAGAs would brag to friends if their daughter dated Kanye West. See how this works? Boy-in-a-man’s-body Kanye enables Trump, and the Tucker Carlson’s, to claim they have a Black friend, or that they are “cool” with a Black person. (Hershel Walker and Clarence Thomas, both Uncle Tom fools if there ever were Uncle Tom fools, fill the same role.)
Sensing he overstepped the boundaries of normal behavior by leaps and bounds (he obviously did) Kanye West is now doing what is popular among modern jackasses. He’s trying to walk it back, offering up a lame, semi-apology to Jewish folks.
But it’s too late, Kanye. Sportswear giant Adidas, high-profile talent shop Creative Artists Agency and luxury fashion brand Balenciaga dropped their business deals with Kanye like the proverbial bad habit. Retailers The Gap and Foot Locker also dumped Kanye. And the fallout continues. Star professional athletes Jalen Brown of the NBA and Aaron Donald of the NFL located their brains and fired Kanye’s athlete representation agency, Donda Sports.
Suckers everywhere
One wonders what’s become of the troupe of bozos who fell for Kanye West’s gospel act. You’ll recall, several years ago, West began traversing the country hosting Sunday morning gospel events called “Sunday Service.” What West’s gospel endeavor proved is that ignorant fools, a.k.a. his fans, come in all shapes and sizes, in all colors, and in all sexual orientations.
Inexplicably, this year West was nominated for, and won, six Billboard Music Awards for Top Christian Artist, Top Gospel Artist, Top Christian Album, Top Gospel Album, Top Christian Song and Top Gospel Song. Whew! The Billboard Music Awards tossed a large chunk of its credibility out the window. Easier to award a famous dope, and generate audience ratings, rather than do your homework and reward legitimate Christian and Gospel music artists.
The simpletons duped by West’s insincere dabbling in Christianity probably think Mike Pence is a real Christian, too. Yet, anyone with the minimally required amount of common sense knows Mike Pence is arguably America’s biggest fraud when it comes to Christianity. As I’ve said before in this space, Mike Pence is a fake Christian. No doubt.
Hell, I’d bet if West’s gospel crowd of robotic dimwits followed Jim Jones to the Guyana jungle they would’ve queued up, no questions asked, to drink Jones’ Kool-Aid concoction. (I know college educated MAGAs who I am convinced would drink poisoned Kool-Aid if Trump told them to do so.)
Which brings us to the current midterm election. Make your choice. Do you want more Trumpism, with brainless hangers on like Kanye West, Alex Jones and Tulsi Gabbard in tow? Do you really want Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump in the White House again in 2024, overwhelmed by the complexity and nuance that comes with running the government? Are these the minds you want out front, as America tries to regain its mojo?
If you vote red, you must want democracy dead. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Democracy or authoritarianism. If authoritarianism wins out, Jewish Americans, people of color and women of any color are not the only ones who should fear the future.
Eventually, Trump and his elitist ilk, having no use for them, will turn against and discard moderate- and low-income Whites. You can bet the farm, the factory, the steel mill, or the coal mine on it.
Good day.
© 2022 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine. All rights reserved.