The Southern District of New York courthouse is getting much of the attention. But up in the state capital of Albany, New York, calls for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign intensify. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

The Southern District of New York courthouse is getting much of the attention. But up in the state capital of Albany, New York, calls for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign intensify. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

NY’s Not-Fab Four now complete

Sometimes you start at the end: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo should immediately resign. He is an embarrassment to himself, his family, his profession, his state, and his country. Cuomo joins the disgraced ex-President Donald Trump, ex-U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, and Cuomo’s predecessor, ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer, to form New York’s “Mt. Rushmore” of political creeps. (See Donald! You are part of a “Mt. Rushmore.”)

Enough with “America’s this or that”

After 9-11, somebody came up with the bright idea to anoint then-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani with the title, “America’s Mayor.” It was silly back then and now it looks downright crazy, given that Giuliani has wandered into the abyss as a bald-faced liar, insurrectionist, and a leading conspiracy theorist. Giuliani has become “America’s Joke.”

Nearly a year ago, when Gov. Cuomo began giving daily coronavirus briefings, updating the public on the status of New York’s battle against the pandemic, many in the media and beyond, including The Weekly Opine, pushed for Cuomo to join the Democratic presidential primary. He appeared confident, calm, and organized. Cuomo spoke in plain language, supported by charts and scientific facts. Rather than duck questions, he answered them.

Cuomo was everything ex-Vice President Mike Pence was supposed to be but was not, as Pence spectacularly failed in his role as head of Trump’s underperforming coronavirus task force.

Some people anointed Cuomo “America’s Governor.” But now we learn Cuomo allegedly lied about the number of nursing home deaths in New York, undercounting the death toll to make things look less dire. And that is just one of Cuomo’s growing list of problems.


In what amounts to pure stupidity – and another example of a brazen, powerful man who believes in a world of entitled privilege for himself, Cuomo apparently sexually harassed a series of young women during the past few years (at last count the number is six). Alarmingly, the sixth woman accuses Cuomo of sexual assault.

The same question I asked Mags the MAGA last week must also be asked of Cuomo. Is Cuomo’s cable out of service? How could he possibly be unaware of the woes of Harvey Weinstein and Trump? Or his fellow Democrat politicians from New York, Spitzer and Weiner? Did Cuomo miss the lurid Bill Cosby mess? Or the multitude of other widely reported, fact-based accounts of men abusing their power in the name of scoring with younger women? Has Cuomo not heard of #MeToo?

Cuomo now displays dim-wittedness mixed with arrogance. The photo of him using both of his hands to clutch a young woman’s face, asking her for a kiss at a wedding reception, is repulsive. He also displayed Trump-like instincts when he initially tried to hamper the investigation into his apparent misbehavior.

New York State Attorney General Letitia James is investigating the accusations. And it does not look good for Cuomo, despite his pleas of denial. Guilty creeps almost always feign ignorance and innocence in the moments before the hammer comes down.

If Gov. Cuomo refuses to resign, then his impeachment should quickly be put in motion. Rest assured, if there is more to this, i.e., criminal conduct, those things will be revealed as well.


© 2021 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine