Jan. 6, 2021, a day that will live in infamy in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit ABC News screenshot)

Jan. 6, 2021, a day that will live in infamy in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit ABC News screenshot)

A predictable outcome

Two years ago, in eager anticipation of the day Trump would leave the White House, The Weekly Opine published an article titled, “When It’s Time To Exit.” In that opine, on Dec. 20, 2018, I referenced Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, Jim Jones, and David Koresh to demonstrate how madmen often go out with a literal bang. And I posed the question, “Madmen often do not go quietly, will Trump?”

Yesterday, Trump the madman emphatically answered my question when he unleashed his MAGA thugs on one of America’s most sacred edifices, the United States Capitol Building. The mob of terrorists, urged on by a deranged Trump, disrupted what is normally a behind-the-scenes ceremony. Congress certifying the results of the electoral college usually does not warrant wall-to-wall TV coverage. Usually, Congress counting electoral votes is a perfunctory occasion absent pomp and circumstance. 

Under normal circumstances, by mid-afternoon yesterday, Congress would have confirmed Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States of America, with Kamala Harris as vice president. Yesterday was totally different.

Anyone who follows traditional media and/or social media should have seen this coming. For weeks, going back to the Nov. 3 election, trouble brewed as Trump railed the election had been stolen. Without a shred of evidence, Trump incorrectly claimed he won a landslide victory that was taken from him by fraudulent mail-in voting, voting machines that were rigged to give his votes to Biden, and corrupt local and state election officials. All lies.

When outgoing Vice President Mike Pence, Trump’s top sycophant and America’s #1 Fake Christian, communicated an inalienable truth to Trump – that he could not unilaterally undo presidential election results – Pence fell out of Trump’s favor. Now in Trump World’s crosshairs, Pence was left running for his life, quickly escorted out of Senate chambers by the Secret Service when the Capitol was breached by American terrorists.

Hopefully, soon the U.S. Capitol will be cleansed of the stench of MAGA hoodlums who roamed unfettered throughout the building. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

Hopefully, soon the U.S. Capitol will be cleansed of the stench of MAGA hoodlums who roamed unfettered throughout the building. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

Oh, say can you see

What transpired on Jan. 6, 2021, was a perverse desecration. For a day, America, the self-proclaimed great beacon and shining light on a hill, was reduced to a dangerous embarrassment. Yesterday, we were subjected to anarchy that is typically reported to us from faraway locations. And make no mistake, this was an attempted coup, orchestrated by Trump with tacit approval by a neutered Republican Party and an administration filled with incompetent lackeys.

It was unnerving seeing ignorant hoodlums wandering the halls and rummaging through the offices of congressional members. It was also irritating watching as these nearly 100% White protestors were afforded a luxury that does not extend to Black Lives Matter protestors of all races. There is not a chance in hell Black Lives Matter protestors would have been permitted to incite destruction at the U.S. Capitol without receiving serious physical punishment from authorities. Around 8 p.m. last night, it was reported that 13 protestors had been arrested. Thirteen?

After the Secret Service hustled VP Pence to safety, members of Congress were sent to their offices to shelter in place, gas masks in tow just in case. It was sad and surreal.

Trump, like most bullies a coward, hid in the White House after delivering a late-morning speech, during which he practically begged his goons to go up to the Capitol. Just guessing, but I doubt Trump recommended his mindless, Kool-Aid drinkers take a tour of the Capitol grounds to admire the landscaping. (Rudy Giuliani spoke of “combat.”) Trump knew full well violence was inevitable.

In the end, a woman was shot and killed outside the Capitol Building, her death inextricably tied to Trump’s wanton need to stir up trouble and concoct a coup.

The day required many more authorities doing this before things got out of hand. (Photo credit ABC News screenshot)

The day required many more authorities doing this before things got out of hand. (Photo credit ABC News screenshot)

Where were the police?

Given that Trump and white supremacist groups like the Proud Boys did not exactly hide their intentions the past few weeks, it was shocking to see the lack of police presence. Capitol Hill Police, apparently a small force to begin with, were overwhelmed by the protestors.

Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser’s request for National Guard assistance went unheeded until it was too late. Considering Trump controls D.C.’s National Guard, it is no surprise the National Guard was napping rather than defending the U.S. Capitol. Fortunately, authorities from Maryland and Virginia stepped up to help.

Belatedly, Trump sent in the National Guard – this following a disingenuous video where Trump asked for calm but was more focused on relitigating his false, never-proven lie that his landslide victory was stolen from him. Thinking back to last summer, the National Guard was not late arriving on the scene when they tear-gassed peaceful protestors to clear the way for Trump’s photo op in front of St. John’s Church.

Now, an investigation must be initiated to uncover how the most important city on Earth was left vulnerable to a band of misfits who tipped their hand for weeks. How in the world was D.C. so unprepared for the obvious worst-case-scenario? How did so many MAGAs quickly gain access to the inside of the Capitol? Not all of them crawled through broken windows. Did someone inside open the door(s)?

Take the 25th

Today, Trump allegedly claims he concedes defeat and will participate in a peaceful transfer of power. Here is the problem: Trump is a compulsive liar. Why would anyone believe a word he says?

Does anyone think his goose-steppers won’t show up on Inauguration Day and attempt a re-do of their failed coup attempt? Does anyone trust Trump with the nuclear codes or any other sensitive national security material? Does anyone worry that Trump will provide classified information to Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and other authoritarian leaders he worships, as a final “screw you” to America for cheating him out his landslide victory?

Talk of impeaching Trump again is interesting but will not accomplish what must now be accomplished, which is the immediate removal of Trump from the White House. Trump’s Cabinet and Vice President Pence must post haste enact the 25th Amendment and dispose of Trump. Only a fool would take Trump at his word re: peaceful transfer.

Meanwhile, Biden and the Inauguration Committee must make it clear that Trump will not attend the inauguration.

President Elect Biden’s administration must balance handing out flowers and handing down indictments. Otherwise lessons will not be learned from our 4-year debacle. (Photo credit CNN screenshot)

President Elect Biden’s administration must balance handing out flowers and handing down indictments. Otherwise lessons will not be learned from our 4-year debacle. (Photo credit CNN screenshot)

Actions merit consequences

There is talk among Democrats, led by President Elect Biden, that we must bring the country back together. I agree.

But there must be consequences for those who sought to turn America from a rule-of-law democracy into an authoritarian playpen for Trump. For example, after authorities cornered and killed John Wilkes Booth they continued in pursuit of his co-conspirators. Eventually four co-conspirators were convicted and hanged. Consequently, it is not enough to hold only Trump accountable.

Ex-Attorney General Bill Barr, Rudy Giuliani, Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Don Trump Jr., and others who serviced Trump’s whacked idea that he become a permanent, authoritarian, fascist “president” must pay the consequence for their complicity.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R) Missouri and Sen. Ted Cruz (R) Texas should have their legacies cemented as being among the biggest fools to have ever served in the Senate. Every attempt should be made to force them to resign and, short of resignation, ensure they are never re-elected.

Democrats, please do not fall into the trap of being too forgiving.

Those who fueled the chaos, negligence, and criminal behavior that transpired the past four years – lying under oath to Congress, refusing to cooperate with subpoenas, refusing to act with purpose and urgency to thwart the coronavirus, etc. – must endure the consequence of having been willing traitors against the people and against the Constitution of the United States. 

Biden’s choice for Attorney General, Merrick Garland, must prioritize bringing to justice anyone in Trump’s inner-circle who criminally participated in pushing America to the brink of tyranny.

Jan. 20, 2021, cannot get here soon enough.


© 2021 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine

Douglas Freeland