No doubt this is bad. But there is an underlying problem that defines why Trump is so dangerously unfit. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
(It’s not Project 2025)
I was supposed to be on vacation, taking a well-deserved break from writing. But Trump did something this week that crystalized why he is unfit to be president. (There are many reasons contributing to why Trump is unfit, but this week he provided a vivid reminder of the primary reason.)
Yes, Trump’s authoritarian behavior is a problem, with him cozying up to bad actors like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. Trump’s fascination with fascism is another problem, surrounding himself with Nazi wannabes, such as Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon. Trump has entertained white supremacists and antisemitic bozos like Kanye West.
By now, anyone not snoozing is aware of Trump’s Project 2025 fascist playbook, with designs on taking America back to anywhere from the mid-20th Century to the mid-19th Century. Backward is the foundation of Project 2025, intended to undo much of America’s progress during the past 60 years. But on Monday, Trump spotlighted the underpinning reason he is unfit to be Commander-in-Chief.
Trump and his cadre of ignorant misfits turned a solemn, respectful occasion at Arlington National Cemetery into a disrespectful verbal and physical altercation with a female cemetery official. Trump was invited to Arlington National by a Gold Star Family to lay a wreath, marking the third anniversary of a suicide bombing in Afghanistan. What should have been a somewhat routine, albeit somber, assignment became the latest controversy involving Trump.
What caused the drama? Even after cemetery officials specifically instructed them not to do it, Trump’s campaign staff minions, modeling his uncouth behavior, took photos and video in an area of the cemetery that was strictly off limits for photography and video recording.
Prior to Trump’s appearance, officials at the cemetery clearly outlined that only cemetery staff are permitted to record video or take photos in Section 60 of Arlington National. “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries,” according to a statement from Arlington National Cemetery. Yet, once again, the Trump campaign broke a federal law. (The female official who was assaulted by Trump’s people declined to press charges out of fear of MAGA retribution.)
This sums it up. Trump is an infantile. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
A smiling Trump was photographed giving a thumbs up with Gold Star Family members. Within days, Utah Republican Gov. Spencer Cox, who was at Arlington National with Trump, posted a photo of the occasion as part of his campaign to win his race to remain governor. It is incredible that Trump, Gov. Cox, and the Gold Star Family do not understand the hallowed sacredness that is Arlington National Cemetery. It’s a place that humbles you. Salute, yes. Thumbs up smiles, never. Of course, Trump has a history – including outrageous behavior in Normandy, France, when he refused to visit graves of American World War II veterans – of disrespectful conduct toward America’s military (calling them “suckers and losers” according to Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly).
As for Trump’s classless behavior this week, veterans were appalled. “It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that anyone who is expecting to be an elected official would think of doing something like this,” said Allison Jaslow, and Iraqi war veteran and CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. A retired Army general said the episode was “repugnant.”
Here is the key insight with Trump. He is like someone many of us are acquainted with. You know the type, a person who turns every occasion – somber or celebratory – into his personal arena of controversy and drama. For nine years Trump has been a disturbance, America’s recurring headache. Divisiveness is the theme of Trump’s political brand, awash in negativity, lies, corruption and criminal activity. The foundation is Trump’s immaturity.
I read recently the Kamala Harris campaign is brilliantly positioning Trump as the incumbent. That’s easy to do given Trump never faded into the background like most former presidents do. Daily, Trump meddles into American’s lives (e.g., instructing feeble GOPers not to pass the border bill, whining about 2020 election results, lying about his lies).
The sum is Trump is a fool and the most infantile public figure of our lifetime. What transpired at Arlington National Cemetery this week is the latest example proving Trump is inarguably unfit to be president of the United States. His adolescence even outweighs his criminality.
Project 2025, mean-spirited and disgusting as it is, does not overshadow Trump’s intellectual immaturity.
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