Photo credit The Weekly Opine
A wake-up call
Today is the unveiling of The Weekly Opine’s 50-second political video. The video’s goal is to wake up voters who still may not grasp what’s at stake in the 2024 election. Currently, the noise about President Biden’s age, the ongoing civil and criminal circus surrounding Trump, and the wars in Ukraine and Gaza are partially muting the fundamental issue in this election. An issue so basic as to send some voters into blasé never-never land.
“Don’t Get Cancelled” amplifies and clarifies the stakes in a plain, direct manner. It demonstrates that, regardless of your individual hot-button issue, the umbrella covering our fundamental rights is at grave risk. The threat rises to a degree not seen since American democracy was launched after the Revolutionary War.
The Weekly Opine conceived the video idea, script and creative look and then collaborated with the generous and talented producer at Rob Orr Productions to bring it to life. However, we are unable to fund a massive media buy.
Consequently, in what is a very rare request, The Weekly Opine readers are kindly asked to forward the link (below) to friends, family, co-workers, politicians, media, etc., to everyone in your social media circle and others who have a significant platform.
Thank you for your help.
“Don’t Get Cancelled” link: https://youtu.be/llYfSUWHeG4
(Note: If you have cause to retype the link, the letter “l” is in the link, not the number “1.”)
© 2024 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine. All rights reserved.