After seven years, there’s still opining in the tank. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
First up, vote
Everybody knows voting is the key. That sounds like, and is, the perfunctory thing to say. So, I’ll say it. Go out and vote. If you like democracy, such as the work-in-progress flawed version we have in America, then vote straight-ticket for Democrats. If you’ve wondered what fascism would feel like, here’s your chance; vote for Trump and Republicans.
An unambiguous choice. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Happy anniversary!
Hard to believe it’s been seven years! On Thursday, November 2, 2017, The Weekly Opine launched with a current events article titled, “It’s Raining Creeps.” That was followed by a sports story titled, “Come Clean, Tom Brady” and then a politics column titled, “Times Up, Hillary.” Today’s post is number 320. That’s a lot of writing, researching, editing, taking photos and curating photos. And watching cable news, even when I would rather do something else. But it’s been a great experience, and I humbly thank you for reading The Weekly Opine and for your comments.
I look forward to opining next Thursday about election results. And going forward, the plan is to provide more balance, i.e., include more stories about sports and current events. And I hope to conduct more interviews like my recent sit-down with Father Michael Pfleger, which has received high praise from everyone who’s viewed it. If you have not watched the eye-opening interview, click this link: https://youtu.be/_Yp33blf3g8.
Happy Halloween!
© 2024 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine. All rights reserved.