No kid gloves here. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Here is how to do it
If The Weekly Opine interviewed Trump, I would not ask obvious (and softball) questions like many interviewers ask. Questions such as, “Do you still believe the 2020 election was rigged?” Of course, he does! The Weekly Opine approach would be to ask questions randomly, probing topics that would have Trump squirming off-balance. And I would never call him Mr. President or President Trump. At best, I would refer to him as ex-President Trump.
My interview questions for Trump would go like this:
Ex-President Trump, you bragged that you would bring in “the best people” yet, at least four of your handpicked close advisors have been indicted and three are convicted felons, including: Paul Manafort, eight felonies; Roger Stone, seven felonies; Steve Bannon, two felonies; Peter Navarro, contempt of Congress. Why should the American people trust your competency to identify the best people?
Among your 91 felony charges, you’ve been indicted on felony racketeering RICO charges in Georgia. You appear to be running a criminal enterprise. Whose idea was this?
Why didn’t you build a wall across the entire border as promised and make Mexico pay for the wall? There is no evidence that Mexico paid the U.S. Treasury for the 20 miles of new border wall your administration built. Where is the money, did you personally receive a check from Mexico? If not, what happened, why couldn’t you persuade Mexico to pay for the wall?
You’ve said you will force migrant farm workers into camps. Do you understand the negative impact that will have on America’s food supply? Do you grasp that food costs would dramatically increase, i.e., drive up inflation?
Your proposed 10% tariff on all foreign goods is essentially a tax on the American people. Is this really a good idea? Do you understand how the economy functions?
You say our military members who are injured, captured, or killed in the line of duty are losers and suckers. Do you believe 9-11 firefighters who fearlessly and heroically ran into the World Trade Center are losers and suckers? Are cops killed in the line of duty losers and suckers?
Why in your mind are military members suckers and losers but not cops and firefighters?
You claim that Herman Cain, who died of covid, was a close friend. As president you had access to the very best medicine and treatment. Did you make any of these available to your dear friend Herman Cain? Why not? Did you reach out to his family to offer condolences? Who specifically, his wife?
Do you still recommend bleach as a cure for covid? A couple in Arizona drank bleach when they contracted covid and the husband died. What would you say to his surviving wife?
You’ve been impeached twice and indicted four times on a staggering 91 felony counts. Do you realize you will likely spend time in prison? What do you think prison will be like?
Do you believe any of the Republican presidential candidates when they claim they would pardon you if elected? Who do you believe?
Your image as a top-notch businessman has been shredded, disproven by the state of New York. Essentially, you are a fraud and have been run out of New York. What will be your legacy?
Grandparents traditionally adore their grandchildren and love spending time with them. When was the last time you hugged your grandchildren? Do you spend time with them?
You railed about the amount of golf Barack Obama played when he was president. You played twice as much golf as Obama. Are you a racist? You act like a racist, cuddling up with white supremacists. Are you a racist?
The Black guy who often stands behind you at your rallies wearing a Blacks for Trump tee shirt, do you know him? What’s his name? Do you pay his travel expenses to attend your rallies? Are you concerned he is stalking you and could be a Black Lives Matter “plant” who might harm you?
When was the last time you did a father-son activity with your teenage son Barron? What did you do?
You are afraid of Putin. Why?
How do you explain your attraction to Kim Jong Un and Kanye West?
Which of these two Georgians do you think more highly of, Jimmy Carter or Marjorie Taylor Greene?
A Jan. 6 rioter sentenced to 10 years in prison is holding out hope you will be reelected and pardon him. Why didn’t you pardon all the Jan. 6 insurrectionists before you left office? If given a do-over, would you pardon them?
Oath Keeper Stuart Rhodes and Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio did your bidding and now sit in prison for 18 and 22 years respectively. Do you have anything to say to them? Are they suckers and losers?
Do you care about anyone?
Who is the most important person in your life? Why?
You’ve been found liable of sexual assault with the judge going so far as saying you raped E. Jean Carroll. Would you be OK with your granddaughter’s volleyball team hiring a coach who’s been credibly accused by 20+ women of sexual assault? Why should Americans be OK with you being president, having had 20+ women credibly accuse you of sexual assault?
Ex-President Trump, in the likely event you are sent to prison, which penal institution would you prefer to serve time at? Will you make friends in prison?
Media colleagues, that’s how you handle Trump. Let me at him.
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