CNN’s Kaitlan Collins goaded Trump into (once again) making a fool of himself. (Photo credit The New York Times)
Surprise, surprise
When CNN announced a few weeks ago they would host a townhall, featuring disgraced ex-president and current presidential candidate Trump, the announcement was met with much derision, including these quarters. How in the hell and what in the hell was CNN thinking, platforming America’s Most Wanted criminal?
It was a sure sign of desperation, considering CNN’s primetime ratings slid the past few years. Top anchor Chris Cuomo was fired following his confounding decision to counsel his embattled brother, then-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who was accused of sexual assault. More recently, Don Lemon, demoted from his primetime slot to host CNN This Morning, was summarily fired following a spate of sophomoric gaffes.
The decision to host a friendly townhall with (for?) Trump in New Hampshire, a key early primary state, was too much for even ardent fans of CNN’s middle-of-the-road positioning (compared to MSNBC and Fox Lies). Why would anyone give Trump, the twice-impeached, recently indicted and still under investigation in Georgia, Washington D.C. and Mar-a-Lago, a platform to rehabilitate himself?
Purely out of journalistic necessity, and my interest in politics, I watched last night’s townhall. And I must admit, surprisingly, it turns out CNN did us favor.
Tiger stripes
Prior to the start of the townhall, which was filled with an audience of friendly Trump supporters hand-picked by CNN, many pundits opined that Trump would seize this opportunity to behave in a more presidential manner. Other pundits correctly worried he would fall back to his old habits.
It took less than a minute for Trump to make good on the phrase, “A tiger doesn’t change its stripes.”
CNN moderator Kaitlan Collins, formerly the network’s chief White House correspondent, asked Trump if he’s ready to accept the results of the 2020 election. A brilliant start for Collins, who Trump barred from a public White House event in 2018 because White House officials, a.k.a. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, claimed Collins asked inappropriate questions during a photo op.
Last night, Trump launched into his worn-out list of greatest hits grievances about the 2020 election. Collins would have none of it, correctly pointing out the myriad investigations that proved the election was free and fair. Trump babbled on to no avail, as Collins relentlessly pointed out that even staunch Republican officials deemed the election legitimately won by Joe Biden.
He still is who we know he was. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Pants on fire, liar
Kaitlan Collins, 31-years-old, is arguably CNN’s most fearless journalist. A University of Alabama graduate, Collins is no-nonsense and sharp in her preparation and questions. She stays on point, never loses her cool, and operates with a calm, stoic, professional tone.
In my opinion, CNN inadvertently gave us a treat. Sure, their goal was a ratings bonanza, by bringing on Trump. And everyone not affiliated with CNN was questioning the logic of giving Trump such a cozy setup. But presto, Trump could not resist Collins’ bait, spoon fed to the infantile man-child.
In a manner that would make the world’s greatest fur trappers envious, Collins laid trap after trap, which Trump gobbled up like free burgers at his favorite fast-food restaurant.
· Like a puppy enamored with a new toy, Trump returned over and over to the 2020 election. And each time he said it was rigged Collins shot him down with facts, forcefully saying it was not rigged.
· At one point, Trump said he never asked Georgia election officials to find him 11,780 votes. Collins quickly shot down Trump’s lie, reminding him he’s on audio tape asking for 11,780 votes.
· Collins backed Trump into a corner re: abortion rights and left Trump twisted like a pretzel. Trump, being the numbskull that he is, bragged about celebrating the reversal of Roe v. Wade and took credit, via his appointment of three ultra-conservative Supreme Court Associate Justices, for the removal of Roe v. Wade.
· When asked if he would sign a federal ban on abortion, Trump demurred. Collins closed the conversation by insinuating Trump was open to a federal ban on abortion.
· Trump claimed Vice President Mike Pence had the authority to stop congressional verification of election results. Collins interrupted saying not so and cited facts to support what she was saying. (Funny, Trump never has facts, just bluster, and lies.)
· Trump lied about offering up the National Guard on Jan. 6. Collins proved, with factual excerpts of under-oath-testimony by government officials, that Trump was lying.
· Trump went on to say many of the Jan. 6 rioters were great people and, if elected, he will pardon many of them. Collins forcefully reminded Trump the rioters attacked the U.S. Capitol and violently attacked police. She pressed him on why he did nothing for hours to stop the insurrection. When he lied, Collins read him the timeline proving he was lying.
· When Trump blasted President Biden for not negotiating the debt ceiling crisis, Collins reminded Trump the debt ceiling was raised three times during the Trump administration, no strings attached. (During his time in office the debt ceiling rose from $20 trillion to $28 trillion.)
· Stunningly, Collins got Trump to admit he’s OK if the U.S. defaults on its debts. This proves Trump is not a smart businessman, as he purports to be, but is merely stupid.
· In another stunner (perfectly set up by Collins asking if Trump showed documents to anyone), Trump admitted he “may have” shown classified documents to civilians at Mar-a-Lago. Are you listening, Special Counsel Jack Smith?
· After Collins asked him about his recent loss in his defamation rape trial, Trump repeated false claims he never met E. Jean Carroll. Really? Collins reminded him he’s in a photo with E. Jean Carroll. Then Trump said he was never allowed to defend himself. Collins retorted that the judge gave Trump ample opportunities to testify, which the coward Trump declined.
· When Trump absurdly claimed he could end the Ukraine war in 24 hours, Collins asked if he wanted Ukraine to win the war. Trump refused to answer. (Translation: Trump still fears Putin.)
· At one point, totally frustrated by Collins, Trump snapped, calling her “a nasty person.”
This photo says it all. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Last night was a debacle for Trump. Certainly, not among his ignorant, cult-like worshippers. But he likely lost any chance to win over women and moderate suburbanites. It was a demonic, grievance-filled performance unworthy of a return to the White House.
Now, Republicans, wash your hands of this sinister creep.
© 2023 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine