After four years and more than 200 articles, The Weekly Opine has never strayed from the “just real” mantra. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Takes one to know one
Today, the opine will be brief.
A number of The Weekly Opine readers are Trump supporters. Some are people I’ve known my entire adult life. Others I know from my professional career. Some are folks I barely know.
Occasionally, and recently with more frequency, they accuse me of not living up to The Weekly Opine decree “not left, not right, just real.” They say I have it out for Trump. That I am fixated on Trump. Uh, they should self-evaluate and look in the mirror (and watch the January 6 hearings).
I don’t have it out for Trump nearly as much as his apologists make excuses for Trump. Proof is readily apparent. Along with other notable Trump crimes, MAGAs and so-called Christians shrugged off his predatory behavior and voted for Trump…twice! (Sorry, but same as with Deshaun Watson, when 20+ women accuse you of sexual assault you are guilty.)
Now, MAGAs downplay damaging testimony, given under oath by Republicans, that proves beyond any doubt Trump is guilty of sedition. Prodigiously telling lies, Trump orchestrated a conspiracy that nearly overthrew our government. And during Tuesday’s hearing we learned Trump recently tampered with an upcoming witness (another crime).
The January 6 Committee is also out for Trump. (Photo credit MSNBC screenshot)
I do not have it out for Trump nearly as much as these defenders of Trump have it out for Hillary Clinton. MAGAs never-ending, Pavlov’s dog-like responses, railing on about “Hillary’s email server this” and “Hillary and Benghazi that” are as worn out as runners completing their first marathon. Faced with inarguable facts of Trump’s criminality, MAGAs automatically respond with nonsense about Hillary (or former President Obama).
Even after thorough investigations and hearings exonerated Hillary of any crimes related to her email server and Benghazi – hearings during which she showed up and testified under oath – MAGAs cannot let it go. She was guilty of poor judgment, that’s it. But MAGAs cling to Hillary as if she’s their Linus blanket. Spewing lies and vitriol about Hillary Clinton is one of the few things that comforts MAGAs.
Therefore, MAGAs accusing me of overdoing it reporting about Trump is a classic example of the pot calling the kettle black.
My journalistic accountability – to The Weekly Opine and its readers – is to not ignore the most dangerous, morally offensive president in U.S. history. My job is to offer fact-based opinion regarding the most important political story since Watergate. (Admit it MAGAs; if Obama seditiously led a conspiracy, in partnership with Antifa, to violently overthrow the U.S. government Trumpers would have lost what little remains of their minds.)
So yes, I do have it out for imprisoning a criminal thug who is the worst American in the 246-year history of Americans.
Good day.
© 2022 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine. All rights reserved.