The RNC just dropped the mic and said “no” to presidential debates. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
No debates? Says who?
Last week, the Republican National Committee announced they no longer will participate in presidential debates hosted by the Committee on Presidential Debates. Amounting to not much more than spilled milk, this presents an interesting opportunity because, let’s face it, the presidential debates are not well-run.
Every four years, prior to the start of highly anticipated presidential debates, journalists chosen to moderate debates sternly outline rules regarding time allowed to answer questions, time allowed for rebuttals, expectations that the audience will remain silent, and pleas for overall decorum among candidates.
Then the debate starts and all hell breaks loose, with moderators sometimes hanging on like a cowboy riding a bull at a rodeo. Candidates argue, ignore debate rules, and too often behave like spoiled, impish grade schoolers. Audience members chime in with cheering, boos and hissing.
In my view, the RNC has given the CPD a royal opportunity. Rather than allowing the RNC to unilaterally decide the days of presidential debates are over, the CPD and Democratic National Committee should continue with presidential debates, regardless of whether a Republican candidate is on stage in person.
The CPD should produce primetime debates on national TV. Don’t hide the debates on streaming services like the soon-to-be-shuttered CNN+ (as the Masters golf tournament did, relegating too much of its content to ESPN+.) The objective should be to make the debates accessible, so all Americans can gather accurate information about candidates, the party they represent, and the type of people they surround themselves with.
Answer the phone Dems. Opportunity is calling. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Opportunity calls
Since the Republican candidate (presumably Trump) will not participate in the 2024 presidential debates in-person, the CPD should use video to reveal the GOP candidate’s answers to questions. This while the Democratic candidate (let’s say Biden) is present on stage answering questions.
For example, have the moderator ask, “What was your reaction to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine?”
Biden, live and in-person, would answer based on truth and facts. The invasion was an atrocity. War crimes were committed. It was genocide. And then show video of Trump saying Putin is a “genius,” backed up by video of Tucker Carlson extolling the virtues of Putin and Russia. Show footage of other Fox Lies hosts cheering on the invasion. And GOP members of Congress downplaying the seriousness.
Follow this with video of war crimes and genocide committed by Putin and Russia. Then video of Trump saying how well he gets along with Putin. Show video of Trump saying he takes Putin’s word over that of U.S. intelligence, regarding Putin and Russia meddling in the 2016 U.S. national election.
Then the moderator would ask, “Do you believe the 2020 election was stolen?”
Biden would answer, “Of course not.” Then, show video of Trump and Rudy Giuliani giving speeches on Jan. 6, blustering on about a stolen election. Run video of real election officials e.g., Georgia Secretary of State (R) Brad Raffensperger and former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, unequivocally stating the election was fair and square. Show video of the Jan. 6 insurrection, followed by screen shots of text messages and phone transcripts from officials within the Trump administration begging Trump to issue a statement to stop the riot.
Next, the moderator would ask, “Is the pandemic real?”
Biden would answer, “Of course the pandemic is real.” Then, show video of the early days of the pandemic, with Trump boasting that 20 virus cases would soon “be close to zero.” Show a time-lapse chart with cases and deaths steadily increasing with video of Trump claiming the virus is a “hoax.” Show video of Trump suggesting that ingesting bleach could cure the virus.
Include video of Mike Pence and Peter Navarro lying to the American people about ventilators and testing. Show charts with numbers re: the millions of lives spared from the virus because of the urgency with which the Biden administration made vaccines available to all adult Americans.
Next, ask Biden, “During your four years as president, how many times were you impeached?”
Biden would succinctly answer, “None.” Then, show clips of Congress twice voting to impeach Trump, ending each clip with Nancy Pelosi gaveling the vote to a close.
Reminiscent of call-and-response hymns made famous in Black churches, repeat this technique for the entire debate(s). Across a wide range of topics. Biden, or whomever is the Democrats’ nominee, would answer in real time, in-person. The GOP candidate’s answers would be a compilation of video that proves just how out of touch Trump and his Republican Party are, compared with the viewpoint of most Americans.
Filmmaker Rob Reiner accurately says, “It couldn’t be more simple. A vote for Republicans is a vote to destroy democracy.” (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Even if Trump is not the candidate, make it clear during the ‘debates’ that whoever the Republican candidate is, that person is a Trump acolyte. Remind the American people that the majority of Republicans – politicians and voters – stood silent and did not support impeachment. Most of them clammed up when Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides” in Charlottesville.
It cannot be overstated that Trump, MAGAs and anyone still identifying as a Republican are attempting to end American democracy, in favor of authoritarianism.
One means to stop them is to turn the RNC’s decision not to debate into a bountiful opportunity.
© 2022 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine. All rights reserved.