There’s only one thing to do after two weeks off…double feature post!! (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

There’s only one thing to do after two weeks off…double feature post!! (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

A chat with MAGs and a new campaign video

While on vacation the past couple weeks, The Weekly Opine (TWO) bumped into MAGS the MAGA at the hardware store. As usual, it was an enlightening encounter.

MAGS: Aren’t you going to say “hi?”

TWO: Is that you, Mags? You’re wearing a mask...finally!

MAGS: Not because I want to.

TWO: Nobody wants to wear a mask. But it saves lives. Geez, your mask has the word “Hoax” sewn on the front.

MAGS: Trump says the virus ain’t real. It’s just a way to try to keep him from getting reelected.

TWO: Trump once said 15 cases would soon be zero. There are now over 6 million cases.

MAGS: Anybody can take it from 15 to zero. It takes a real man to take it from 6 million to zero.

TWO: Oh, is that it?

MAGS: Yea. And voting by mail is riff with fraud.

TWO: You mean “rife” with fraud. No, it isn’t.

MAGS: Trump should ask the military to guard the post offices.

TWO: I doubt the military will do anything Trump says, now that he’s labeled them “losers” and “suckers.”

MAGS: The loser will be Americans if Trump’s not reelected. He has saved this nation. Just look at the stock market.

TWO: Most Americans do not own stocks. Have you benefitted from the market?

MAGS: Not me personally. But my brother-in-law’s cousin’s friend from college made some money.

TWO: But how are you doing?

MAGS: Me? Thanks to Trump I’m barely hanging on. I lost my job last spring. It would’ve happened sooner if not for Trump.

TWO: So, you’re voting for Trump?

MAGS: Hell, yea! Make America Great Again!

TWO: I thought the new slogan is Keep America Great?

MAGS: America ain’t great. America is a mess. That virus, protests, empty sports stadiums, long lines at food banks. Millions unemployed. A huge mess.

TWO: Despite all that you’re still with Trump?

MAGS: Americans like a comeback. You can’t make America great again if you don’t make it a mess first, right? And who better to clean up the mess than the person who made the mess?

TWO: So you’re admitting this is Trump’s fault, not Obama‘s or Hillary’s.

MAGS: I’m admitting things are really bad and would be a lot worse if not for Trump. It is what it is.

TWO: You sound like a sucker and a loser.

MAGS: I am what I am. Look, I gotta go. Need to stop by the unemployment office on my way to the food bank. And when I get home gotta call to see if I can defer paying rent. And the internet guy is coming by to make sure everything works ‘cause my kid is remote learning.

TWO: Sounds like a mess. Keep wearing your mask. Social distance. Good luck.

Here ya go Joe and Kamala!

The Weekly Opine unveils a new campaign video today. The video was shot from a single camera angle with my trusty iPhone 11 (coupled with my mad power point skills). Next week another video will be added to the rotation.

“America Disappears”

NOTE: Mags the MAGA is the intellectual property of The Weekly Opine. All rights reserved.

© 2020 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine

Douglas Freeland