Executing fundamentals should do it. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

Executing fundamentals should do it. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

The election is yours to win

(Btw, I bumped into my new acquaintance Mags, the MAGA, recently. Our brief conversation follows this article.)

Joe Biden is no longer the presumptive nominee. He is now officially the man, 2020 Democratic nominee for president. Big Mo is on Biden’s side as he leads every poll versus Trump, with a commanding double-digit lead in at least one poll. Winning the presidential election sits on a silver platter, tempting overconfidence like when the varsity lines up against the frosh squad.  However, June political momentum can be, as Sinatra put it, shot down in August.

Right now, as evidenced by massive, relentless protests, voters appear intent on changing the trajectory of the United States’ stunning free fall, “masterminded” by an incompetent crackpot named Trump.

Defeating police brutality against black and brown people is paramount. It will require an honest, intentional reckoning at the local level. Minneapolis is already on it, threatening to toss the police department and neuter the police union. Other locales reevaluate whether to continue employing police to, too often, aggressively patrol schools, homeless encampments, and other places.

Nationally, a Biden administration must replace the fascist, Nazi hoodlums who recently occupied a section of Washington, D.C. It also requires an understanding that “defunding the police” makes for a nice on-ramp for Trump to go on the attack.

Biden - and others like Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and movie producer Spike Lee - recognize the absurdity of eliminating an entire police department because doing so could be the accelerant that pushes us into full-blown anarchy. Incidents of George Zimmerman-like vigilante watchdogs lighting up whomever they please would become commonplace.

Without question, cops are asked to intervene in situations they are not trained to handle. For example, someone has a mental breakdown and the family calls police for help. Instead of diffusing the situation untrained police amp things up, resulting in a catastrophe. Redirecting funding from police departments to mental healthcare professionals is a great idea and may even be embraced by astute top cops.

The slogan “Defund the Police” is well-intended but could also alienate moderate Republicans, who are ready to support Biden after voting Trump in 2016. Why give them a reason to shift toward Trump with a phrase that is ready-made for Trump to exploit?

In addition to maximum pressure to stop protecting and finally get rid of bad cops, there must remain laser focus on removing from office the worst-ever U.S. president and the most dangerous man on the planet. With that goal in mind, I submit the following suggestions to Team Biden.

When being interviewed or giving speeches re: the campaign, stick to these three talking points:

1.      Trump botched the COVID-19 response, then suggested drinking Clorox would remedy the virus. Meanwhile, 115,000 Americans are dead from coronavirus.

2.      Nearly 45 million jobs have been lost. The unemployment rate is approaching 20%. Intended for small businesses, the Paycheck Protection Program benefitted many corporations.

3.      A thug, wannabe dictator, Trump tear-gassed Americans who were peacefully protesting police brutality. A key to ending police brutality against black and brown folks is to get rid of Trump. 

Amy Klobuchar as Joe Biden’s running mate? Oh, hell no! (Photo credit NY Post)

Amy Klobuchar as Joe Biden’s running mate? Oh, hell no! (Photo credit NY Post)

Take a pass Part One

Mr. Biden do not insult those who protest police brutality, especially black folks, by choosing Amy Klobuchar as your running mate. Most Americans fervently desire to defeat Trump. Avoid making an unforced error that will dampen voter enthusiasm. Recognize that Klobuchar is a blueprint of a broken system.

When she was a Hennepin County district attorney, Klobuchar declined to criminally charge cops involved in fatal encounters with civilians on more than two dozen occasions. See, Amy Klobuchar is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Klobuchar showing up at George Floyd’s memorial service changes nothing. Klobuchar rushing to publicly-announce upgraded murder charges against Derek Chauvin – before Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison made the customary public announcement – revealed her desperation to score points with the black community. Don’t fall for it, Joe. Black folks are not having it.

Furthermore, eight of Klobuchar’s former staffers told Buzz Feed that she created a hostile work environment operating on fear, anger, and shame. The former staffers said Klobuchar has an explosive temper, is abusive and berates her staff.

Take a pass Part Two

We get it, Joe. You are a morning guy whose mental alertness falls off precipitously after dinnertime. Therefore, do not debate Trump, unless the debate is at 10 a.m. If you agree to debate Trump, stick to the three talking points outlined above. Keep it simple by reminding voters Trump tried to poison us with disinfectant; he has cost nearly 45 million Americans their job; and he tear-gassed innocent protestors.

Do not rely on debate moderators to ask tough questions. When moderators ask a milquetoast question, ignore it. Simply pivot toward Trump and ask him questions such as these: Why did you tell Americans to drink Clorox? You bragged about your business acumen, yet you have bankrupted America. How did you manage to cause a recession, including 20% unemployment? What in the world would possess you to turn the National Guard on American citizens, using tear gas on peaceful, law-abiding protestors?

No charge for today’s advice, Mr. Biden. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

No charge for today’s advice, Mr. Biden. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

Be prepared, if moderators ask you what they asked Hillary in 2016, to name something you admire about Trump. No need for political correctness. Your answer should be, “There is nothing I admire about Trump. He is a liar and a reprehensible failure. A failure as president. A failure as a man. And a failure as a self-proclaimed Christian. There is absolutely nothing to like about him. Trump is a fraud. And he hung out with Jeffrey Epstein for Christ sakes.” Keep it real.

Thanks, but no thanks

Vice President Biden, if anyone named Clinton, including pro footballer Ha Ha Clinton-Dix, offers to campaign on your behalf, just say “No!” The Clintons are toxic and raise the other side to a fever pitch. This is the most important U.S. election in a century, possibly in history. Do not get caught on stage with a Clinton. No unforced errors, pal.

Want to be a team player, Hillary? Lay low. Stay outta sight. Same goes for Bill Clinton who, according to flight logs, flew on Jeff Epstein’s private jet “Lolita Express” multiple times. There is too much baggage associated with the Clintons. Steer clear.

Gang and Bros.

Supporters of Bernie Sanders, whose vision is more aligned with protestors and unemployed Americans than Biden’s vision, nonetheless should by now have recovered from the disappointment of their man not winning the nomination. Same with supporters of the human shiny object, Andrew Yang.

Bernie Bros., and Yang Gang, do not sit out this election. If you are still moping about, stop it. Vote like your life depends on it because it does. Between COVID-19, police brutality, and losing your healthcare that was tied to your former employer, Trump has shown that you living or dying makes no difference to him.

To save America, every Democrat, Independent, and sensible Republican must vote Biden. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

To save America, every Democrat, Independent, and sensible Republican must vote Biden. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)

Meanwhile, protestors legs are warmed up. We will march against Biden too, if he slips into status quo mode. 

Mags is back!

A few weeks ago, The Weekly Opine (TWO) bumped into Mags at a suburban sports bar patio. It was an interesting conversation.

MAGS: Who is playing?

TWO: Red Sox-Yankees.

MAGS: It says Sunday Night Baseball.

TWO: Yep.

MAGS: But today is Saturday.

TWO: ESPN is showing select games from prior years since there is no baseball right now. This game was played on a Sunday night in 2012.

MAGS: Wow, Yankee Stadium is packed with fans! I guess Cuomo came to his senses and ended the no large crowds, stay-at-home order.

TWO: There was no stay-at-home in 2012. Unless you couldn’t get a ticket to the game.

MAGS: Is that Derek Jeter? Didn’t he retire a couple a years ago? He must be 50 years old. He still looks good in them pinstripes.

TWO: Yes, that’s Jeter in 2012. This is a replay from 2012.

MAGS: Well, the picture on that TV ain’t so hot. I just bought a new TV. Don’t tell anyone but it was made in China. Great picture.

TWO: Don’t you only buy made in America?

MAGS: I did until the tariffs. Trump said buy Chinese ‘cause that way Kim Jong On pays the difference.

TWO: Kim Jong Un? He is not Chinese.

MAGS: Yea. The TV was marked up from $999 to $1,299 because of the tariffs. And that guy On Kim he’s payin’ for it.

TWO: Paying for what? Didn’t you already pay $1,299 for the TV?

MAGS: Hell yes I did because Jong On is makin’ up the $300 difference.

TWO: Really. When is Kim sending you a $300 check?

MAGS: I dunno, whenever Trump tells him to send it, he’ll send it.

TWO: You mean like when Trump said stop testing missiles and Kim kept right on firing them?

MAGS: Smart ass.

TWO: Aren’t you supposed to be on vacation?

MAGS: Postponed it. Still haven’t received my fat $1,200 stimulus check.

TWO: Good luck…

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Hillary, please go away:

NOTE: Mags the MAGA is the intellectual property of The Weekly Opine. All rights reserved.

© 2020 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine

Douglas Freeland