Emerging from the shadows, Speaker Pelosi makes it official: impeachment inquiry. (Photo credit: MSNBC screenshot)
Pelosi finally has her Popeye moment.
Thank you, Nancy Pelosi. Now finish the clown off.
Not to be an ingrate, but before anybody recommends naming a street after Pelosi, or hoisting her up like a Super Bowl-winning coach, let’s make sure she is all-in. This week, the House Speaker transitioned from complicit bystander to on-point leader of the House. But do not forget the lax approach Pelosi displayed the past nine months.
Pelosi’s list is an impressive list. Not of thoughtful patience but of profound negligence. It reads like a Who’s Who of Unchallenged Impeachable High Crimes and Misdemeanors:
Acceptance of the president abusing the emoluments clause while enriching himself. Standing idle while Trump obstructs justice. Watching as Trump abuses immigrant children at the southern border. Pretending colluding with Russia wasn’t such a big deal. Looking the other way when Michael Cohen provided evidence that Trump committed campaign finance crimes by writing checks to buy a porn star’s silence. Saying little when Trump broke the rule of law as outlined in the Constitution.
But then Trump attempted quid pro quo collusion a second time. Trump’s devious actions resulted in an avalanche of calls for impeachment, led by at-risk freshmen in the Speaker’s own caucus. Additional pressure came from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the most prominent frosh congressional member, who rightfully suggested Democratic House leaders were themselves engaged in a scandal by not impeaching Trump.
Added to the mix were multiple columnists at the nation’s greatest newspaper, The Washington Post, calling for long-overdue congressional action.
By Monday night Speaker Pelosi found herself cornered like a wildebeest surrounded by yapping hyenas. Pelosi had no choice but to open a can of whup-ass flavored spinach and announce she’s had all she can stand, and she can’t stand no more!
Public opinion be damned, Pelosi makes her move. (Photo credit: The Weekly Opine)
A ruse is a ruse
Good enough Madame Speaker, better to be tardy than to never step up. And, by the way, public opinion be damned. Pelosi’s famous crutch, that public sentiment was the determining factor in deciding whether to impeach, turns out to be a magnificent ruse.
Another ruse was Pelosi’s claim that impeachment cannot happen because the Senate won’t convict. There is no indication the Senate will convict - at least right now. But somehow Pelosi decided to move forward.
Without the benefit of new polling showing a big shift in public or Senate opinion toward impeachment, Pelosi smartly relied on the real time “poll” of House Democrats jumping on the impeachment hayride. On Tuesday, the number of publicly announced pro-impeachment Dems rose from around 135 to nearly 200. Surely, more await in the wings.
Pelosi will now be tested regarding how she goes about bringing the impeachment inquiry to fruition, i.e. a vote on Articles of Impeachment. Ukrainegate broke the camel’s back so no need to prolong this. Trump’s myriad transgressions already under investigation should continue to be pursued (i.e., don’t put all your eggs in the Ukrainegate basket). And by Thanksgiving, the House should vote on impeachment. If Pelosi has learned her lesson about effective communication, the American public will be in overwhelming support.
Like T.G.I.F. it’s time to be happy! (Photo credit: emojisland)
Oh, happy day!
A number of D.C.’s finest pundits expressed that Tuesday was a sad day. On the contrary, Tuesday was a great and happy day. The most ignorant, dangerous fool to ever sit in the White House is belatedly being held accountable. The literal worst leader on the global stage is under official impeachment inquiry.
I stopped short of displaying my American flag, but there is no question Tuesday was a great day for America. While Trump delivered a monotone, rambling speech at the United Nations, Pelosi dropped the hammer, a shot heard ‘round the globe. This after Trump’s apparent attempt to “tamper” with Pelosi was rejected.
In my opinion, the transgression that forced Pelosi to act, while grave, is not the most damaging of Trumps plethora of misdeeds. Worse than probing Ukrainian officials for dirt on Joe Biden is what the Trump administration has done to normalize miscreant behavior, destroy the rule of law and wreck American democracy.
A few examples of the Trump administration chipping away at the foundation of our democracy include:
· Stocking his administration with unqualified nitwits.
· Installing multiple depraved, unethical imposters as attorney general.
· Installing the immoral, hysterical Brett Kavanaugh onto the Supreme Court.
· Ignoring subpoenas.
· Witness tampering.
· Not-so-subtle threats to witnesses.
· Hush money payments.
· Blocking witnesses from testifying.
· Unlawfully withholding evidence from Congress.
· Abusing the concept of privileged conversation.
· Conducting foreign policy via Twitter.
· Meddling with the Federal Reserve.
· Starting asinine and economy-damaging tariffs.
· Colluding with, and then siding with Russia over U.S. intelligence officials.
· Re-directing military funds to pay for a stupid wall.
· Daily defiance of the United States Constitution.
Accountability is a good thing. Pelosi was held accountable by the media, and her colleagues, to uphold her sworn duty. She in turn finally holds Trump accountable for not doing his sworn duty. Indeed, Tuesday was a day to celebrate!
Pelosi now has Trump firmly in sight. (Photo credit: US Prez Election News)
(Sung) La-la-la-la-la-la-la
In a replay of Trump’s request to then-FBI Director James Comey (when he asked Comey to find a way to go easy on “good guy” Mike Flynn), Trump called Pelosi to see if they could “work something out” regarding the whistleblower crisis. Not surprisingly, Pelosi showed Trump her middle finger.
Trump, the dumbest of asses, publicly admitted to the Ukraine wrongdoing he’s been accused of. In a clear sign he knows his presidency is in real jeopardy, Trump hasn’t gone to his perfunctory invocation of President Obama or Hillary Clinton. We’ve all heard it before, Trump complaining, “Well, Obama did this” or “Hillary did that” anytime he feels heat. Regarding Ukrainegate, you don’t hear any Obama-Hillary nonsense from Trump. He’s in deep doo-doo. That’s worth celebrating!
In May of 2017, the fat lady exercised her vocal cords when Trump told NBC’s Lester Holt that Comey was fired because of “this Rusher thing.” The fat lady sang the scale when Robert Mueller released his redacted report. Since then, the fat lady has been a silent spectator while House Dems’ courage waited for a re-boot.
Many of us thought surely Mueller’s testimony would spur Pelosi to act, bury Trump and give voice to the fat lady. Not so.
With modest support from Pelosi, Mueller, in obvious discomfort under the spotlight, had his reputation soiled as he squirmed his way through the televised hearing. Mueller fumbled at the goal line. All the king’s men cannot fully repair the damage to Mueller’s once impeccable, now cracked legacy.
Rather than describe Trump as the criminal he is, Mueller took guidance from the crooked Attorney General William Barr and obfuscated, when the moment called for forthright precision. History will not look favorably on Mueller’s performance, despite his occasional, albeit reluctant, confirmation of Trump’s wrongdoing. Mueller essentially said, “if you say so” to the House Judiciary Committee, when confronted with words from his own report.
Thankfully, due to the metaphysical stupidity of Trump, Pelosi was forced to act.
Now we wonder what will become of those who surround Trump, be they good or bad apples. An already understaffed administration could see more departures as people decide it is too perilous living in a burning house.
What might become of America’s already fragile government structure if departments see mass exits, particularly of talented, non-partisan, career employees? How crazy might mentally unstable Trump act? Will Pence and Barr (and others) go down with Trump over Ukrainegate?
If your name is not Biden, Warren, Sanders or Buttigieg, it’s time to go home. (Photo credit: Slate, New York Magazine, Chicago Sun-Times, The Advocate)
Four Dem Gems
Impeachment matters will be easier to quaff if the Democratic National Committee reduces its Kentucky Derby-size field. Realistically, there are now only four contenders: Biden, Warren, Sanders and Buttigieg. The rest are wasting our time and sucking up valuable oxygen.
Fewer candidates would make it more efficient for the media to report what is happening on the campaign trail while continuing to expose the clothes-less emperor. Less candidates will make it palatable for the public to follow along – the campaign and impeachment hearings.
Watching cable news interviews with Pete Buttigieg and Andrew Yang this week was instructive. Buttigieg looks and acts like he’s running for president of the United States. No candidate speaks with better clarity that Mayor Pete. (Pelosi, who speaks in a halting, uneven manner, could use Buttigieg’s help to communicate what’s happening as the impeachment inquiry unfolds).
On the other hand, Yang comes off like he’s running for class president. Charming and endearing but not to be taken altogether seriously. Time for #YangGang to morph into #YangGone.
Let’s do this
According to polling, it’s Biden, Warren, Sanders and Buttigieg. If all other Dem candidates dropped out, The Weekly Opine projects Biden at 34%, Warren at 34%, Sanders at 16% and Buttigieg at 16%. Alphabetically, it’s Biden, Buttigieg, Sanders, Warren. Ladies first, it’s Warren, Biden, Sanders, Buttigieg. Or, with respect to elders, Sanders, Biden, Warren, Buttigieg.
Regardless of what order you call the names of the only real Democratic contenders, it is time to shun the theatrics of $1,000 monthly payouts, back-to-back debates lead by inept moderators and confusing, arbitrary qualification rules.
Everyone else can go home now. There are only four legit contenders on the Democratic side and the sooner the DNC acknowledges this, the better chance Dems have of defeating the unstable moron occupying the White House (or his fake-Christian VP).
Separating wheat from chaff was never more obvious – at least to most people not named Tom Perez. Voters need to lock in and evaluate the four viable candidates. Those who were in the camp(s) of the no-longer-viable must be given ample time to evaluate Biden, Warren, Sanders and Buttigieg.
Unfortunately, the practice of too many Democrats is to take their time and, when in doubt, move even slower.
With just the four candidates listed above, the debates should be a roundtable discussion format. Replace stiff lecterns with comfortable leather chairs (that swivel!).
All is not lost. Democracy will win this fight. (Photo credit: NPS Gov)
When the bell tolls
Anyone in Congress who voted for the Iraq war now carries that foolhardy vote around their neck like a cowbell. As we all know, the war in Iraq has been a disaster.
The same thing will apply to those afraid to impeach Trump. Congressional members who insisted upon opening an impeachment inquiry in 2018, or even early-2019, will be remembered as patriotic savants. Congressional members, like the House Speaker, who previously dilly-dallied and enabled Trump, were at risk of being looked upon as scandalous traitors.
Republican senators and congresspersons who continue to obliviate the lessons of Watergate do so at their own peril. Based on what happened in 1974, when steadfast loyalists of Nixon finally saw the light, you can be sure some Trump congressional lackeys are searching for the escape hatch.
For Republicans looking for sanity, Bill Weld appeared on MSNBC this week and demonstrated why he is the only qualified candidate in the red corner. If Republicans only had brains, they would punt Trump - and VP Mike Pence - and rally around Weld.
In the interim, American democracy, having absorbed multiple gut punches from the Trump administration, remains upright. Wobbly yes, but there are still rounds to go before this thing is finished.
© 2019 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine