Photo credit: The Weekly Opine
Trump unhinged as the world watches and holds its breath.
In recent weeks Donald Trump, long suspected of having a short-circuited mental capacity, has become even more irrational as proven by the following:
Despite protestations by experienced economists, Trump proposes a ridiculous tariff against China that will harm American farmers and risks China dumping loads of U.S. treasuries, which could send America’s fragile economy off a cliff.
Trump publicly stated his military strategy for Syria, a plan that Republican Senator John McCain believes emboldens Syrian dictator Bashar Assad and Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. (Remember when Trump used to rail against President Obama for tipping his military hand?)
Trump vehemently defends the indefensible, for example his uber-corrupt Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt who, along with Steve Mnuchin’s and Ben Carson’s ill-advised spending sprees, proves Trump has no intention of “draining the swamp” as he so often boasted during the campaign.
Trump has become increasingly isolated from his senior advisors, including Chief of Staff John Kelly. Kelly, a proven liar who does not elicit the warm and fuzzies, edges closer to the exit door. Meanwhile, according to White House insiders with knowledge of the situation, Trump increasingly relies on Fox News for information and guidance while his in-house staff experiences unfettered chaos.
Trump has returned to fantasizing about building a great wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. This on the heels of his insistence he be treated to a North Korean-style military parade on Veterans Day.
Trump recently said he’s OK starting a nuclear arms race with Russia. Given the intense heat he’s under from the Mueller investigation, and this week’s confiscating of Michael Cohen’s computers, phones, emails, etc. by the Southern District of New York’s U.S. attorney, Trump is in desperate survival mode.
It is possible Trump will reverse his long-standing (or kneeling) submissive posture toward Russia and attempt a mano a mano contest with Putin. This of course could lead to a horrific and permanent conclusion for all of us. Just yesterday, Trump threatened Russia that the U.S. may use missiles in Syria, where Russia exerts significant influence.
Back to Michael Cohen, Trump said the raid on Cohen is “an attack on our country, an attack on everything we stand for.” Only someone who values corruption, lying, and cheating, i.e. lawlessness, would say what Trump said.
Amazingly, Trump doesn’t know what America stands for. He hasn’t a clue about the central underpinnings of our democracy, one of which is the rule of law.
And then reflexively, as he often does, Trump brought up Obama and Hillary Clinton.
While blaming Obama and Clinton is salve for himself and his mindless base, the reality is nothing he says will distract Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman of the Southern District of New York, or Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti from the task at hand.
(It should be noted Berman – whose office conducted the raid against Michael Cohen - was handpicked by Trump to succeed Preet Bhara when Trump gutted U.S. attorney’s offices around the country shortly after his inauguration.)
Trump also doubled-down on his whipping-boy, Attorney General Jeff Sessions (another liar who does not elicit sympathy), for recusing himself from the Russia investigation. Trump overtly admitted to obstruction of justice, saying Sessions should have told him before being nominated for AG he planned to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.
According to Trump, knowledge of Sessions’ recusal plan would have enabled Trump to nominate someone loyal to the president, as opposed to the AG’s understood oath, and obligation, to prosecute crime.
Reminiscent of delusional madmen like Adolf Hitler, Trump contends the Mueller investigation is a “witch hunt” and says the mainstream media are fueled by “fake news.” He continually attempts to discredit long-standing American institutions like the Department of Justice and the FBI, insulting the work of professionals who are every bit as important to America’s security and freedom as the U.S. military.
Trump’s “witch hunt” refrain has been proven baseless. Mueller, the FBI and, Berman have all strictly followed established procedures and guidelines throughout the investigation, including when obtaining subpoenas, search warrants and handing down indictments.
Further proof the Russian investigation is not a witch hunt can be found in the fact that more than 70 contacts were made with Russian officials, backchannels and/or oligarchs by more than 20 people associated with Trump, e.g. campaign staffers, administration officials and/or allies.
Despite Trump’s oft-repeated lie that it has been determined there is no collusion, the fact is Mueller’s team has not concluded there was, or was not, collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.
Meanwhile, in a by-now-expected, but nonetheless stunning display of cowardice, Republican leaders House Speaker Paul “The Cowardly” Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch “Humbug” McConnell do nothing and say nothing.
You cannot help but wonder if Ryan and McConnell’s silence has been paid for. Or if they’ve been physically threatened to keep quiet, as was Stormy Daniels. After all, Trump and his ilk align more closely with Soprano-style hoodlums and Russian dictators than American democracy.
It’s not inconceivable that Ryan and McConnell have been “gotten to.” Sadly, searching for the truth is of little interest to these men, who seem traitor-like when it comes to defending the U.S. Constitution.
(For anyone offended when football players take a knee during the national anthem, it is more offensive to see people like Trump, Ryan and McConnell stand during the national anthem, pretending to believe in American ideals. Their words and deeds reveal they no more believe in the U.S. Constitution and American values than does Vladimir Putin.)
Fortunately for America, yesterday Ryan transitioned from coward to quitter when he announced he will not seek re-election in November. One of the greatest wimps, and one of the worst-ever House Speakers, is mercifully going away.
With indictments of Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort, along with what appears to be the impending indictment of Michael Cohen, the Mueller investigation nears completion of a Mount Rushmore of Trump-related criminals.
Who will be the fourth head? Donald Trump Jr.? Jared Kushner? Donald Trump the madman president?
© 2018 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine