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Kavanaugh a proven liar.
In the Urban Dictionary, one of the definitions of the word bastard, offered up by Truthtellerunc, in April 2010, is as follows:
Bastard - a term used to describe someone who disregards other people in pursuit of their own self-interest. Usually includes the acts or act of lying, spreading misinformation, covering one’s own ass at the expense of others, or employing other forms of bullshitting. (This definition of bastard will be applied throughout today’s commentary.)
The Republican Party once was respectable, driven by conservative ideals, with members willing to work collaboratively with moderate Democrats, to formulate policy and laws they believed were in the best interests of the American populace.
Then along came the Tea Party wing of the GOP, epitomized by the ignorance of Sarah Palin and rogue fools like Joe Walsh, supported by spineless conservative leaders/hacks like Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor.
Lately, the GOP has fractured even further. Now, what remains is a party in disarray, led by bastards like Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, foot wipe Paul Ryan, Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and yes, Donald Trump, who gathers so-called information from the ‘bastard’ of cable TV, Fox News.
It has been pointed out on more than one occasion, by media, pundits, and laymen, that what’s left of Republican leadership more resembles autocratic Nazis, than they do the Grand Old Party. That is not hyperbole, as anyone who has watched documentaries on the rise and fall of the Third Reich can attest.
The bastardization of what was once the Republican Party is on full display with the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
An unapologetic bastard himself, Kavanaugh lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee during his appellate court confirmation hearing in 2004 and again in 2006. The subject was whether Kavanaugh received memos stolen from Democrats by Republican aide Manny Miranda.
Slate, in a thorough examination of the facts, proved Kavanaugh indeed lied under oath, on his way to being confirmed for the D.C. Circuit Court.
More recently, as in two weeks ago during his Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, again testifying under oath, Kavanaugh committed perjury again when Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein brought up the subject of the stolen Democrat memos.
Kavanaugh’s interview with Fox News did nothing to remove the aura of guilt as he was caught in yet another lie, saying the District of Columbia drinking age was 18 when he was in high school when in fact it was 21. (What high school or college kid doesn’t know the local drinking age?).
Kavanaugh also gave Fox News rambling answers to simple “yes” or “no” questions with his wife sitting next to him, probably feeling Melania-like as women come forward with believable stories about her husband’s sexual misdeeds.
One-upping his Supreme Court nominee Trump, peppering his remarks with lies as usual, gave a delusional, unhinged press conference in New York, demonstrating why Assistant Attorney General nRod Rosenstein, or any Trump Cabinet member, would openly discuss invoking the 25th Amendment against a mentally unstable president.
3-alarm fire
Thanks to Senator Feinstein, belatedly but rightfully handing over the Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford letter, Kavanaugh has not already been fitted for a Supreme Court robe. (If anyone is a candidate to get a lump of coal in their stocking from Kavanaugh, surely Diane Feinstein is.)
Whether Feinstein’s coming forward was strategic or inept bumbling or political gamesmanship, as the saying goes, better late than never.
Blasey-Ford, a courageous woman now suffering, among other things, death threats, is undoubtedly telling the truth about being sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh when she was a tender 15-year old and he just one year from adulthood at age 17.
Blasey-Ford has requested an independent FBI investigation, passed a polygraph test conducted by a former FBI agent, and asked for witness testimony. A person who is lying would want none of those things. Brett Kavanaugh wants none of those things.
Blasey-Ford’s testimony this morning is totally credible. Senator Chuck Grassley’s opening statement was disingenuous. On the other hand, Sen. Feinstein’s opening was outstanding.
The saving grace for Kavanaugh, if an angelic word like grace can be applied when talking about a bastard, is the fake family-values Republicans care nothing for the truth and care very little about the well-being of women.
Unfortunately, for Kavanaugh, “that woman” as Bill Clinton once said while emphatically wagging his finger at the media, has turned into “those women,” with the appearance of multiple accusers, all as credible as Kavanaugh’s best-friend Mark Judge is not credible. (What a coincidence, a best friend with the last name Judge).
Former Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez tells the story of a night of drunkenness that included Kavanaugh exposing himself to her. While admittedly drunk herself, no one is accusing Ramirez of exposing herself to anyone that night.
Julie Swetnick has also come forward, saying she was gang-raped at a party that was attended by Kavanaugh.
Blasey-Ford created the spark. With Ramirez it became smoke. Add Swetnick and you have fire. The anonymous 4th and possible 5th accusations turn this into a full-blown inferno. Kavanaugh’s nomination likely will not survive.
Notably, Ramirez and Swetnick also want to testify under Senate Judiciary Committee oath and they also want an FBI investigation into the matter.
Kavanaugh, by most accounts a heavy drinker, according to former high school and college classmates, as much as admits he drank too much, writing in his yearbook a (paraphrased) goal of his was to drink a lot of beer his senior year.
Kavanaugh also made the comment at a speaking engagement, while smirking like bastards smirk when they have something to hide, that what happened at his high school alma mater Georgetown Prep should stay there.
Thanks to the courage of Christine Blasey-Ford, what happened at Georgetown Prep, at least as it relates to Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulting and attempting to rape her, is not staying behind at Georgetown Prep.
Thanks to the courage of Deborah Ramirez, what happened at Yale, as it relates to Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly exposing himself to her, is not staying behind at Yale.
And thanks to the courage of Julie Swetnick, what happened at a party in 1982, as it relates to Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh being present as she was allegedly gang-raped, is not staying behind in 1982.
The question that needs to be answered is, Is Judge Kavanaugh even fit for the D.C. Circuit Court, or any other court?
A sorry lot
Dirty ‘ol bastard and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chuck Grassley, wants nothing to do with discovering the truth, refusing to ask Trump to instruct the FBI to properly investigate, even with Ramirez and Swetnick joining Blasey-Ford with credible sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh.
Grassley, and his chief partner in this conspiracy to obstruct justice, dirty ‘ol bastard Orrin Hatch, refuse to call witnesses to testify before the judiciary committee.
Juxtapose this with Major League Baseball (MLB) investigating allegations Chicago Cubs shortstop Addison Russell committed domestic abuse against his then-wife. Despite the average MLB player career lasting just 5.6 years, MLB is taking the allegations by Russell’s ex-wife seriously, rather than hope Russell’s career ends and the allegations just go away.
One would expect the Senate to ask for an investigation of Blasey-Ford’s, and now Ramirez’s and Swetnick’s, allegations against Kavanaugh, the same as MLB is investigating Russell’s ex-wife’s allegation. Especially, considering appointment to the Supreme Court comes with a lifetime tenure.
But, oh no. Grassley is a good ‘ol boy. (The connotation being he is not good. Like in black culture, saying someone is a “bad” man means he is great at his craft, e.g. Jay-Z is “bad.” In this usage, good ‘ol boy means not good, i.e. stuck in the 1950’s.)
Grassley is a crusty old-timer, an 85-year old fool who should have been run out of D.C. years ago. He is rushing to confirm Kavanaugh, despite the fact he and the Senate-majority leader, another bastard named Mitch McConnell, slow-walked controversy-free Merrick Garland.
President Obama’s last Supreme Court nominee, a Republican, did not even get interviews with key Republican senators, let alone get a Senate hearing. Garland’s nomination sat for 293 days becoming the longest nomination process in the history of Supreme Court nominations, finally expiring when the 114th Congress ended.
A shallow pool of talent
Among other things, the Kavanaugh spectacle is vivid illustration of Trump’s inability to evaluate and source competent talent.
Based on the Trump administration assembling the worst, most unfit Cabinet in U.S. presidential history – with the likes of Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos, and now-convicted Mike Flynn – we should not be surprised Trump knew no better than to nominate The Debacle, aka Brett Kavanaugh.
Tellingly, Trump displays an affinity for creeps. Men like Roy Moore, Rob Porter, Corey Lewandowski and now Kavanaugh. By that measure, it’s typical for Trump to forcefully defend Kavanaugh against highly credible allegations that, if true, would mean prison time, in not for the statute of limitations.
November 6, as The Weekly Opine has commented several times, is Judgment Day regarding what the future portends for the United States of America. Stay home at your – and your country’s – peril. Or, get to the polls and participate in jumpstarting the repair process.
The GOP runs short of true patriotic politicians who place country before party, as evidenced by too many GOPers with unfettered, Nazi-like fealty toward Trump.
GOP men like Senators Lindsey Graham, Bob Corker and Jeff Flake and GOP women like Senator Susan Collins should not be trusted. Don’t be fooled by their rare, headlines grabbing pushback against Trump. They are go-along-with-the-program bastards.
Real Americans, including Democrats, Independents, and thoughtful, patriotic crossover Republicans have an opportunity to regain the House and possibly even the Senate, getting America back on track.
(A totally unrelated side note: Nike’s value has grown by $6 billion since unveiling their new marketing campaign starring Colin Kaepernick. Notice that Trump now has nothing to say or tweet about Nike.)
Ask yourself, are you with the Nazi-like bastards, intent on taking away your freedoms while enriching themselves, or are you with fair-minded truth-seekers, albeit with human frailties like we all have, who nonetheless patriotically believe democracy is superior to fascism?
© 2018 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine