What the…? (Photo credit Konfox)
Hoodwinked like suckers at a carnival.
For any black person dumb enough to support Donald Trump, it should have been the last straw when he recently said immigrants from Haiti and Africa were from “shithole” countries.
But so far, the in-their-own-minds coterie of black Trump supporters are still in place. They’re like chumps hoping for a prize at a carnival, using ping-pong balls to try and knock down bowling pins.
As many Republican congressmen will learn during the 2018 midterms, once you cozy up to Trump the damage is irreversible. For anyone unsure of Trump’s radioactivity, the exodus of Republican congressman not seeking reelection is evidence of Trump’s toxicity, proof unseen by Trump’s blind black supporters.
Further along in this article will be an examination of some of the things the Trump administration is doing that can only be described as anti-black, anti-minority, anti-urban, and anti-working class.
In the interim, here is a sample of black dummkopfs who suck up to Trump:
Ben Carson. Is this man really a doctor? Once called low-energy by Trump, Carson claims he was a hoodlum in his youth. Hoodlums everywhere are laughing.
The forgettable Omarosa Manigault. The only thing about which I agree with John Kelly: firing Omarosa.
Fake-Christian Rev. Darrell Scott. Talks smack about fixing Chicago’s violence problem but hasn’t been seen in the Windy City.
Ex-Milwaukee Sheriff Darren Clarke. His speech at the Republican convention hasn’t translated into a job with Trump. And he looks even goofier wearing a cowboy hat than Florida U.S. Representative Frederica Wilson. Clarke looks like he’s auditioning for a spot with the Village People.
Clownish Don King. Does he not know America’s fascination with clowns is over? Even Ronald McDonald is in mothballs.
Wacko Dennis Rodman. When two of your BFFs are Trump and Kim Jong Un, seek professional help.
Republican Senator Tim Scott. Of all people, a black man from South Carolina should be able to spot a racist president from a mile away.
Tiger Woods. Tiger has long been suspected in the black community. His acquaintance with Trump is Exhibit A. Apparently, Stanford doesn’t teach common sense.
Ex-Trump campaign spokeswoman, and serial liar, Katrina Pierson. She would have been in trouble, back-in-the-day, during the Salem witch trials.
Former NFL players Jim Brown, Ray Lewis and Herschel Walker. The guess here is they suffer from football-related CTE brain degeneration.
Kanye West. Crazier than we thought.
Lord have mercy! (Photo credit: Twitter)
If these prominent blacks, with their supposed intelligence and sophistication, support Trump, it is no surprise to see ignorant blacks standing behind Trump holding “Blacks for Trump” signs during his Make America White Again rallies. OMG!
For his part, Trump has done nothing for blacks, policy-wise or otherwise.
For starters, Trump overtly appeals to white supremacists, the KKK and neo-Nazis and considers them kindred spirits.
Trump is a racist. This is not debatable and was borne out with his response to Charlottesville. He followed that up with a tepid response to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico. His administration harbors like-minded people, such as Stephen Miller, rendering the Trump administration a throwback to the Jim Crow era.
Black supporters of Trump shouldn’t be tricked by Trump signing legislation last week honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. with a national historic park (a move he knows irritates his racists supporters). It’s no coincidence that, within days of the MLK tribute, Trump made his “shithole” comment about Haitians and Africans. Feed the base red meat to offset/overshadow the MLK honor.
Trump continually attacks the First Amendment. If the First Amendment was rescinded, the impact to blacks would be disproportionate (the way it is, for example, with police brutality and crime sentencing).
Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions (who is tantamount to a Grand Dragon) ignore police brutality, with Trump going so far as to implore New York City cops to “rough up” suspects. Trump and Sessions show no interest in fixing America’s broken system of justice, which continues to abuse minorities.
Trump undermines our first black president and is hell-bent to undo Obama administration accomplishments, even if by doing so he acts against the country’s best interests.
The Affordable Care Act, the Paris climate change agreement, immigration reform, environmental protections, etc. are all in Trump’s sight. Yet, many blacks, along with many other Americans, benefit from the ACA.
Gallup reports that in Trump’s first year the number of uninsured increased for the first time since 2008, growing from 10.9 percent in Obama’s final year to 12.2 percent. Those most impacted were young adults, blacks, Latinos and low-income households, the very people who benefitted most from the ACA.
Trump also inserted a Supreme Court judge who is ultra-conservative, putting at risk the progress black Americans have made over the years, especially in the 1960’s spurred by the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act.
The obvious goal of Trump, and everyone in his administration, is to return the country to a time when blacks couldn’t vote or move about as freely as is possible today.
Trump’s Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos tipped her hand when she commented that black colleges were pioneers of school choice. A preposterous statement that demonstrates DeVos is out-of-touch and unqualified to lead America’s education system, which is the foundation of equaling the playing field.
As a black man myself I ask, what is it with blacks who support Donald Trump?
For many, the goal is a lofty administration job.
Ben Carson treaded lightly around Trump during the Republican primary and was rewarded with a Cabinet position. Now Trump trots him out whenever the heat is on re: black issues. Rarely seen speaking during these occasions, Carson looks like a puppet.
Clearly, way in over his head, Carson was taken to the woodshed a few months ago by black congresswoman Maxine Waters and black congressman Al Green, during budget hearing questioning (check it out on YouTube; it is must-see TV). Carson stuttered and hemmed and hawed, overmatched sitting in a job he is wholly unqualified for.
Fake Christian Darrell Scott comes off like someone who, behind closed doors, begs massa Trump for an inside position to justify why he, a man who probably thinks of himself as “down” with the brothers, is instead a Trump chump and a lackey.
More mystifying is how Jim Brown could profess he “loves” Trump. Whatever credit Brown earned for being a champion of the black movement in the 1960’s and 1970’s has been wiped away by his unforgiveable dalliance with Trump.
I could go on but you get the point.
To blacks who support Trump I’m reminded of Malcolm X’s quote; “Ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked!”
© 2018 Douglas Freeland / The Weekly Opine