Pre-convention anxiety gave way to a joyful celebration in Chicago as Democrats nominated Kamala Harris to be their presidential candidate. The predicted hundreds of thousands of protesters did not materialize.
By all accounts Chicago and the Democrats ran a smooth convention. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
The United Center in Chicago was the center of world politics for four days in August. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
With one exception on opening night, the strong police presence kept protesters from acting out of bounds. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Protesters couldn’t have asked for better weather. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
Like this woman, protesters are not enamored with the two choices. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
What’s the replacement if the whole system goes? (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)
After the convention left town Union Park returned to normalcy. (Photo credit The Weekly Opine)